Thursday, January 21, 2010

What we really did in class

Important correction: The email address for the course was listed on the course calendar as => this is the wrong address. The correct address is:

Please re-send your message for homework - and sorry for the mix-up.

We talked through the syllabus (with a little discussion of the calendar) and you got to know one another.

I appreciated you sharing your writing - and I am excited working with you.

For Monday:
1. Order your books

2. Buy a flash drive if you don't have one + bring it to class

3. Send an email to me at Write from the email address you will use for this class (see directions on course syllabus). In this email, ask any questions that you might have forgotten to ask in class - and let me know if you have any suggestions or comments.

In class you will set up your blog, we will go over the assignment sheet for your first writing project - and youwill do some invention writing for that project.

Have a great weekend and see you Monday.

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