Wednesday, February 22, 2012

2.15 Rose and writing process

Main point(s):

Writing is a problem solving process: understanding the problem, processing, solving.

Unblocked writers were less rigid in their application of the rules for writing

Heuristic writers generally less blocked

Important vocabulary:

Cognitive – thought/ thinking processes

Algorithms –precise rules applied the same way

Heuristics – rules of thumb = more flexible and less specific than algorithms


Plan: bigger than a heuristic, has a sequence & hierarchy

Set: what you bring from your past, assumptions, values & beliefs + thinking patterns


How writers got blocked

Blocked writers use algorithms rather than heuristics, and they use rules as absolutes

Sets (assumptions) from past experiences = can interfere with what you need to do for a particular writing task (Martha’s need to see writing as linear, logical and a straight path)

Were resistant to – or didn’t make use of- feedback

Can get stuck in intro paragraph (bad rule = have to write the intro first)

Closed system limits possibilities can lead to conflict (plans don’t take into account unanticipated factors in the audience, purpose or form of the writing task)

Too many rules (without a plan for how to choose among them)

Who didn’t get blocked and why

Just write and look at what happens

Lots of feedback considered

Knew how to respond to feedback

Flexible about finding alternatives = pragmatic approach – if the rule didn’t work, pick another rule

Didn’t take rules too seriously

For next week:
Keep working onyour literacy narrative
Post your notes on your writing process.  Include the writing you did for the prompts 

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