Wednesday, April 4, 2012

4.4 History of Writing & Final Project

We started out with a discussion of what we considered the important accomplishments of representational technologies.  Our list included the facilitation of:

  • global trade (for the individual as well as for companies)
  • tracking economic exchanges
  • record keeping
  • personal communications
  • access to writing & self-representation for EVERYBODY (not just the rich)
  • the professionalism/quality of those self representations
  • direct access to audiences

As we reflected on these accomplishments of writing technologies, we started to think about what drove the kinds of inventions that brought about changes in writing processes and practices.  We noted that what we want out of our writing "hardware" and "software" includes:

  • ease of use
  • speed (immediacy )
  • autonomy for the user
  • multti-channel experiences (as if it is "real") = immersion in the feel of 'being there"
  • interaction
We then made a quick timeline of the history of revisions to communication technologies - and in light of that timeline = you chose 3 inventions that you saw as the most important in bringing about the cultural changes or accomplishments that we identified at the beginning of class. (You sent me an email with your perspective on this discussion).

The second half of class was spent reading through the portfolio assignment.  The timeline for the assignment is as follows:
April 4 : Your focus/career for your portfolio + identify preliminary list of writing genres to submit with your portfolio
April 18:
 Workshop resumes
April 25:
 Workshop introductory letter and personal statements
May 2: Workshop longer writing samples
 + reflective writing
May 9: Complete portfolio due

In addition to completing the writing, each one of you will be required to make a presentation on your portoflio and writing in your profession.  This is part of the workshopping prcess and will begin April 18.  I will pass around a sign-up sheet next week.

For next week:
Write: resumes for your chosen profession: general resume + a "dream" resume; after workshopping your resumes - you will work on the reflective writing to bridge the two.
Read: "A Rhetorical Process for Designing Compositions," Anne Wysoki & Dennis Lynch

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