Wednesday, April 11, 2012

4.11=> next class will be Introductory letters + personal statements

In class today we talked about resumes.  Links to the OWL sites discussing resumes are posted earlier.  Our use of Wysoki + Lynch's criteria for a rhetorical analysis of a sample resume made pretty clear how important audience considerations are for writing a resume. As Yasmin pointed out - there ISN'T going to be one rule for the "right" way to create your resume = it is going to depend on your audience.

Next week we will continue working on your portfolio.  Write drafts for an introductory letter and for a personal statement.  They may or may not be for the same application.  For example, if you want to write an introductory letter for an internship at a law firm, but would also like some help with your personal statement for law school => go for it!   Useful links (as discussed in class) are listed below.

Introductory letters
Cover letter = jobs
sample job letter
Cover letter = academic

Personal statements

Good class today = and see you next week.  I will get your process essays back to you ASAP.

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