Monday, March 22, 2010

Class Monday March 22


You worked with a writing partner (or me) to revise your draft process narrative. We used the following procedure.

Authors began by stating the conceptual focus for their essays. This is not a blow by blow of what they presented in the body of the essay = but rather a synthetic statement of what their process is and how it sets them up as a writer. For instance, a focus might be " I have a once-through process that was good for me in high school because it allowed me to write a lot of papers fairly quickly that didn't necessarily go into really deep thinking. At the same time, as I am going through college, I am realizing I have to do some more critical thinking - and that I need to use writing like Peter Elbow was saying - to "cook" or find ideas - and I don't do that. Also a once-through process is sort of hard for long essays - or essays where I don't know what I am writing about before I start."

This kind of complex statement of your focus is your introduction. It sets up the ideas the rest of your essay will SHOW - through a discussion of your process.

Next authors stated the points they used to develop/illustrate this focus. Make a list! Think about whether it is the best order.

The workshop partners - listened & asked questions if there were any points they didn't understand.

The authors then read their essays - taking time to highlight/bold points they wanted to work on.

When the authors were finished reading, the workshop partners asked about any points they didn't understand - and pointed out what was working. Both partners then worked together on focus, organization + development.

Due at the beginning of class on Thursday
Blog 15:
Final process narrative.

In class you will read classmates essays + grade your own essay.
I will also set up the remainder of the course - which is for you to work on developing a portfolio for the writing career of your choice.

Hope you had a great break - and see you Thursday.

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