Monday, March 29, 2010

March 29

We set up your portfolio sites. I created a sample site ( you can use as a guide for the basic organization. We will be going back to this site as you add your assignments - so you will have plenty of opportunities to edit + revise.

We also created a schedule for presentations:

April 8: Taylor - fiction author; Tim - history teacher

April 12: Karilyn- lawyer; Aydin - sports writer

April 15: Lana - pre-school teacher; Andrea nursing

April 19: Walmbe - theater advertising; Michelle - elementary teacher

April 22: Lauren - human resources

On Thursday I will give a "sample" presentation on choosing a vocation in higher education (being a professor); we will spend the rest of class looking at formats for resumes + talking about how to write resumes for different professions.

Blog 17: In light of today's class discussion, keep working on your list of how to use writing in your profession; do some thnking about the particular writing you will include in this portfolio.

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