Monday, March 1, 2010

In-class writing + Blog 12 + what we did in class March 1

In class you sent me an email that answered 3 questions about your final literacy narrative:

1. what did you change? (what revisions did you make to the draft that you turned in last week)
2. how did you address the changes I suggested in my comments? (what did you change in response to my comments)
3. what grade would you give your final essay and why? (what do you still need to work on).

After you completed your email - you worked on Blog 12.

Blog 12: describe how you made the changes to your literacy narrative that you listed in the email as answers to questions 1 & 2.

We then talked through Peter Elbow's chapters on "growing" + "cooking" and you did some more talking about writing process.

For Class Thursday, March 4:
Read: Baron, p 70, in Literacy: A Critical Sourcebook. Baron is concerned primarily with how computer technology changed writing. As you read - think about how Web 2.0 is continuing to change writing. This essay was written before widespread use of blogs, before facebook, before google was available for public use, youtube, wikipedia, before twitter . . .

Also - come to class prepared to work on your process narrative. Use your reflections on your revising process for your literacy narrative. Also - you can use notes on your invention process for this essay - as an "example" of how you gather information/get ideas.

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