Saturday, February 6, 2010


I have finished reading through your blogs and will be sending you the grades in a minute. I have decided you will get full credit for the first post - just for having turned it in. I think I didn't do sufficient teaching to set you up to do the kind of job I was hoping for - so you can kind of read through my comments and look at the grade, and then know that if you turned it in you got full credit => just for doing the work.

The purpose of blogs (as I wrote in some of your comments) is to demonstrate your engagement with the readings (so you won't need to do quizzes, or tests, or papers); also, I strongly believe that writing is a form a learning and I see writing a blog as a way to have you process these readings both with your eyes and your bodies (hands, movement etc). I also think it is a good thing to have your ideas out there so you can see how the rest of the class is doing.

Hope you are having a good time with your literacy narratives - and I will see you on Monday.

Note: Mario, if you send an email to, I will reply with comments on your blog. I do not have an email address for you.

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