Monday, February 8, 2010

Class Monday February 8

We talked over the requirements for this assignment, and what you would have to do to meet those requirements. You then read and commented on classmates' draft literacy narratives. We closed class with a discussion where you each commented on what you would need to do to revise and finish your drafts. Good class!

Keep working on your literacy narratives. If you want to schedule a conference with me to talk through your revisions - send me an email at The final draft is due February 18.

For Thursday:
Read: Scribner & Cole (p. 123 in Literacy: A Critical Sourcebook)
Blog 6: Post your notes on your writing process (to get ready for your next assignment). Include the writing you did for the prompts on Jan 28 + Feb 4 + any notes/observations you might have gathered as you worked on your draft and began to revise.

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