Thursday, February 25, 2010

Class February 25

The University will be closed beginning at 3:15 today.

With respect to our class: I will be in class for those of you who drove to campus before the announcement and anyone else who shows up. I will not take attendance or penalize anyone in any way for not attending class today. At the same time - if you want some one-on-one coaching for your literacy narrative, or if you want a head start on working on your process narrative and you are already here - this would be a good time to get some work done.

For Monday:
Read Elbow Chapters 2 & 3 (growing + cooking). We will talk about both chapters together. We will also do some in-class writing on your process essay using your posts for Blogs 10 & 11 - so make use of the space to write. These notes should be observations of how you write.

Blog 11: Post detailed notes on your writing process

Final Literacy narratives are due, as attachments, by class Monday, March 1 in my email:

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