Thursday, February 11, 2010

What we did in class February 11

Today we talked over the main points in Scribner and Coles' essay and reviewed the theories set forward in the earlier essays, and then you did some writing to pull together the main ideas we've covered so far.

The main points of our discussion of the readings (as copied from the board)
writing changes the way we think by
- improving memory
- improving reasoning in terms of complexity + logic
- increasing accuracy

Scribner & Cole
writing in itself does not change thinking=> the way writing affects thinking depends on the particular writing system, how it is used, how it is learned and what "skills" it entails.

Aaron & Joshi
writing is a human propensity set up by human biolgoy; writing and speech complement one another - as opposed to =writing being a phonological representation of speech.

New Literacy Narratives
The ways we use, learn, and define writing are embedded in cultural stories = social constructivist vies

Other observations:
- communication (writing) takes place in and is defined by communities
- our education system demands that everyone communicate int he same way
- there are lots of legitimate ways to communicate
- people in power get to say what is "good" communication.

For Blog 7 you answered two questions:
1) What new ways to think about writing did you learn from these readings? and 2) what are your theories about writing?

For Thursday:
Blog 8: Post your completed literacy narrative. Also turn it in to as an attachment.

Read: "The Ethnography of Literacy" p 421 in Literacy.

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