Thursday, April 1, 2010

Class April 1

Today I gave a sample presentation - and we talked about resumes.

Important points to remember about resumes are that your resume:
1. needs to provide the information your prospective employer is looking for
2. will include headings or categories that reflect your particular profession
3. will have variable headings even within your profession
4. should be designed to cast you in the best possible light - even if it means writing a slightly non-standard document.

For Monday:
Write a draft resume for your chosen profession. Your resume should reflect both the expectations for your profession - and form & content that allows you to cast yourself and our accomplishments in the best possible light.

Blog 18: Describe the profession your resume was written for - and post your resume.

In class Monday you will workshop your resumes. After the workshop we will talk about how to tweak a general resume to make it work for a particular job.

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