Monday, April 26, 2010

For Class April 29

Thursday you will work on the reflective writing to introduce your portfolio. This is the last class I will be available for workshopping. If you have any remaining questions about how to organize your portfolio, look at the sample portfolio ( and if you are still confused - make sure to ask me in class.

Your portfolio will be due at the end of class on Monday, May 3.

Reflective writing for introduction:
On the introduction page of your portfolio, write an essay in which you answer the questions listed below. Unlike the reflections on the resumes and the analysis of your writing samples – this piece needs to be an essay. It should have a focus, and you should use examples from your portfolio to develop that focus. Overall, this focus should develop a discussion of the following points.

1. What did you learn about writing in this course? Include reflections on what you learned from the readings, and what you learned from the writing assignments. You might include reflections on what you learned about writing process (pre-writing, drafting & revising); different forms for academic writing; rhetorical analysis (how audience & purpose influence the form of your writing), or writing for particular audiences. Pay particular attention to information or practices that were "new" and helpful.

2. How have you improved or grown as a writer? Which assignments / activities do you feel were most important to making you a better writer? Use references to work in your portfolio as examples.

3. What do you feel you still need to work on? Use examples from your portfolio to support your discussion.

Grades: I will grade your portfolios & send your final gradesvia email by Wednesday, May 5. When you receive your grade, if you feel I have made a mistake - either in the math or in evaluating your work - send me an email so we can come to a fair agreement. You need to be in touch with me before May 10. On May 11, if I have not heard from you, I will enter the grade sent via email into Keanwise. If you have any questions, ask me in class.

See you Thursday!

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