Tuesday, April 13, 2010

What we did in class April 12

Karilyn and Aydin gave presentations on their professions, we talked over your indtroductory letters, and set you up to get started on your personal statement.

In class Thursday, Lana & Andrea will give their presentations. Then we will go over some sample personal statements and you will workshop your statement. We will then do some talking to set up the sample writing that you will be working on for next week.

Overview for the rest of the term:
For the rest of the term you will be working on your portfolio (created through your Kean gmail site). The directions for the portfolio + the schedule for creating the different sections are available on the March 25 post of this blog. Tbe general procedure will be: class discussion of the piece you are working on, you then post your draft(s) on your blog, we work on the draft in class, and you then post your revised/final version on your portfolio.

For a working sample of the portfolio format - along with descriptions of what you will include on each page, see Chandler Portfolio.

For Thursday, you should post your revised introductory letter to your portfolio, and post your draft personal statement to your blog. Thursday's blog post should also include a list of the genres (kinds of writing) you will include as writing samples for your portfolio.

I have been in touch with each of you about your portoflio. I will be sending feedback on blogs by Thursday. I think I finally have the blog posts numbered correctly. Sorry for the confusion.

The schedule for the remaining presentations is as follows:

April 15: Lana - pre-school teacher; Andrea nursing

April 19: Walmbe - theater advertising; Michelle - elementary teacher

April 22: Matt lyric/song writer; Brian script writer;

April 26: Deborah - author Mario - teacher; Lauren - human resources

If you have any questions, let me know.

Blog 21: Post your draft personal statement + a list of the genres you will include in your writing samples.

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