Monday, April 26, 2010

Class April 26: Reflective Writing for Portfolio

Post a discussion of the following points on the introductory pages for the Resumes and for the Writing Samples. You are not required to create a smooth-flowing essay for this writing, but you do need to demonstrate some in-depth thinking in response to each of the questions.

Rhetorical analysis of the general resume:
Who is the audience for the general resume? What purposes do you intend to use it for?
Describe how and why you think the particular headings, organization and content will work for the audience and purpose you have identified.
On a scale of 1-10, rank how you think your resume will compare to those of other applicants. What do you think is your greatest strength? What do you think is your biggest drawback?
Are there any changes you anticipate making before you actually send it out?

Rhetorical analysis of the particular resume:
Who is the audience for the particular/dream resume? What purposes do you intend to use it for?
Describe how and why you think the particular headings, organization and content will work with the audience you have identified.
On a scale of 1-10, rank how you think your resume will compare to those of other applicants. What do you think is your greatest strength? What do you think is your biggest drawback?
Are there any changes you anticipate making before you actually send it out?

Rhetorical Analysis for Writing Samples:
Who is the intended audience for these writing samples? What are the expectations of that audience? What in particular about the pieces will interest this audience and why?
What is the purpose of each writing sample? How well does each writing sample meet your intended purpose?
For each sample, describe what the audience will learn about you (name specific abilities, skills, accomplishments, aspects of who you are). Do these features correspond to the audience & purpose identified in the first two questions? If not, what do you need to work on?
How well do your samples represent the range of your abilities (all the different things you can do relevant to your purpose)?
How well do your samples represent you as a writer?
Anything else you would like to work on?

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